Range Talk Blog

This is the Range Talk Blog for the general public that like guns and gun accessories, ammo variants, shooting ranges and related topics.  Here people can post photos and comments regarding shooting ranges from around the world.

Since most range owners with decrepit steel bullet traps or dirt berms usually withhold problems involving their range designs and technology, this is the place to show others about the inherent problems with steel trap and dirt berm systems.

To put it simply… the more shooting ranges can

1) trap bullets effectively,

2) attenuate the noise, and

3) prevent HAZMAT contamination in air, land and water,

The harder it will be for government agencies to shut ranges down… So why invest in steel trap systems and have those worries to deal with????

Write comments, post range photos or make suggestions…

Range Training Blog

This is the Range Training Blog for end users that are looking to share ideas and learn the latest techniques.  Since Paragon Tactical live fire range environments allow users to simulate real world scenarios, numerous training techniques and applications can be performed that other range systems and equipment simply can’t accommodate.

Check here frequently for continuous updates . . .


Range Development Blog

This is the range development or construction related blog for end users that are looking to upgrade their range facility to a new dynamic shooting range system or start a firing range project from scratch.  Here people with similar questions and concerns voice their issues.

Paragon Tactical systems and equipment to ask questions, write comments or make suggestions…