Gun Safety and Other Videos from YouTube…

Here is a collection of some gun safety topics found on YouTube…

1) Trippin’ with a Glock:

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2) .50 Cal ricochet on a dirt berm:

[youtube width=500 height=300][/youtube]

3) Compilation Of People Learning the Hard Way About Handling Guns:

[youtube width=500 height=300][/youtube]

4) Extremely Close at 1:03; Another Reason For Tactical Training With Teams:

[youtube width=500 height=300][/youtube]

Range Talk Blog

This is the Range Talk Blog for the general public that like guns and gun accessories, ammo variants, shooting ranges and related topics.  Here people can post photos and comments regarding shooting ranges from around the world.

Since most range owners with decrepit steel bullet traps or dirt berms usually withhold problems involving their range designs and technology, this is the place to show others about the inherent problems with steel trap and dirt berm systems.

To put it simply… the more shooting ranges can

1) trap bullets effectively,

2) attenuate the noise, and

3) prevent HAZMAT contamination in air, land and water,

The harder it will be for government agencies to shut ranges down… So why invest in steel trap systems and have those worries to deal with????

Write comments, post range photos or make suggestions…

Safety Bulletins Blog

Paragon Tactical (PT) is providing this website area for a collection of items, news, and reports that are either of a safety related nature or otherwise important to the men and women protecting our nation.

We offer this as a public service and welcome input regarding either comments on the page or suggestions / additions.  Please take the time to login and post a comment.

We will be adding more information here in the near future . . .





1) Accidental discharge documentation with photos 2011/2/5 a, b, c
2) Catastrophic failure of semi-automatic handguns 2007/2/23 a, b, c
3) Why baggy clothing should be banned in schools 2008/10/7 d
4) Cell phone pistol demonstration video 2004/6/20 a,b,c,d
a) Helpful for law enforcement personnel
b) Helpful for military personnel
c) Helpful for general range user personnel
d) Helpful for school administrators
  • Sample download approach #2:
Accidental Discharge documentation with photos